"Intellectual property in the aspect of conducting foreign economic activity"
On March 21, within the framework of the 6th International Exhibition of Fabrics and Textile Materials «Intercan-2019. Spring"will host the conference"Intellectual property in the aspect of conducting foreign economic activity".
Main issues of the conference:
- Unification and harmonization of legislation in the field of protection and protection of intellectual property.
- Trademark problems in the Eurasian space.
- Customs authorities and the fight against counterfeit products.
- The customs value and the rules for determining it when importing goods for which it is expected to transfer royalties or royalties to the supplier.
- Parallel import: pros and cons.
- N. Kartashev, Head of the Advertising and Unfair Competition Control Department of the FAS of Russia;
- K. Chaika, judge of the EAEU;
- With. Shurygin, Deputy Head of the Intellectual Property Rights Protection Department of the EEC Business Development Department;
- With. Shklyaev, Head of the Department of Trade Restrictions, Currency and Export Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;
- Lyudmila Ignatova (Teselkina), CEO of JUST LOGISTICS;
- A. Semenov, representative of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Russian Federation in the field of intellectual property.
Presenter Oksana Kurochkina, Managing Partner of AK "LAW for BUSINESS"
Time: March 21, 2019, 14:00 – 16:00.
Venue: Press room (Congress Center, 2nd floor).
Photo provided by the organizers.