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03.07.2017 | Альбина Весина

The first meeting of the Commission on Economic Development

On June 28, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation hosted the first meeting of the Commission for the Development of the Economy, Entrepreneurship, Services and Consumer Market.


During the meeting, it was noted that the assessments of the experts of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation are increasingly in demand for the preparation of state documents on socio-economic policy.


Boris Alyoshin, Joseph Diskin, President of the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs (Soyuzlegprom)and the first deputy chairman of the Commission, Andrey Razbrodin, noted during the meeting that the point of view still prevails in the economic block of the government, according to which the allocation of state investments (or investments with state participation) can quickly spur inflation. Because of this "indisputable axiom", which is erroneous, as the practice of many countries shows, the implementation of many innovative and, in general, high-tech projects is hindered. The long-term "raw material vector" of domestic and foreign economic policy, along with an exaggerated interpretation of the inflation rate, still dominates economic decisions. As a result, economic growth rates are restrained, remaining, at best, at the level of the global average. In addition, the clearly overestimated role of inflation actually leads to a further decrease in effective demand and, accordingly, the level of consumption of goods and services.


"The expert industry community, as a rule, is not involved in the development of government decisions on the development of the real sector. It is necessary to delegate authority to industry/intersectoral associations and their expert communities, because they fully possess information about their specific problems and possible ways to solve them.

Andrey Razbrodin, Deputy Chairman of the Commission

Touching upon the issues of accelerating the pace of economic growth, Andrey Razbrodin also noted the role of the WTO factor. Since the conditions of membership of the Russian Federation in this structure are an additional lever that constrains the reindustrialization of Russia and hinders the growth of competitiveness of Russian industrial products in domestic and foreign markets.


The increasingly close interdependence of domestic, foreign economic and social factors of industrial development of all countries was also noted. Thus, according to Andrey Razbrodin, a remarkable trend has recently emerged in China: it is the transfer of foreign firms of their textile capacities from China to South and Southeast Asia.


There is a demand for more active state stimulation of domestic demand through the development of high-tech industries and the implementation of innovative projects. This is the main conclusion of the meeting.

The priority on the Commission's agenda should be those economic issues that have the greatest social sensitivity and directly affect the quality of people's lives. First of all, these are issues of employment, stimulating consumer demand and supporting the purchasing power of Russians, the development of small businesses and the institution of the self-employed.

Ilya Semin, member of the Commission

In more detail, the results of the meeting on  Soyuzlegprom website.