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B2B Журнал
24.11.2016 | Лидия Соколова

Opening ceremony of the New Yabaolu Wholesale Shopping Center in China

On November 18, at exactly 11:18 a.m., apparently according to the requirements of Feng Shui, the grand opening ceremony of a grandiose project began, part of which was the construction of a new wholesale shopping center in the city of Ulanchab, China's Inner Mongolia province. 



According to the plans of the government of China, this shopping center should replace the Beijing wholesale market Yabaolu, which is being closed in 2017. In total, it is planned to develop a whole cluster of industrial enterprises in the city of Ulanchab for the production of fur and leather products, logistics and trade relations. More than 25 billion yuan has already been invested in the project, new districts of the city with developed infrastructure, parks, stadiums, modern hotels are being built.



Over the next four years, it is planned to open a new international airport and lay a new high-speed railway connecting Ulanchab through the capital of China with all countries of the world.